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Complete Test History

Full audit trail

FASTtag keeps a record of all the tests performed on an appliance, over the life of the appliance. All this information is stored in one file, immediately at your fingertips.

You can see if the appliance was found last time you tested at that location, and review any notes that were made last time it was tested.

Most importantly, if there is ever an electrical incident, all the information you need is immediately available. You can open any of the previous tests, find out who performed the test, the appliance tester that was used (including serial number and calibration expiry), as well as the date of the test. This information is readily printed in a formatted report, showing a complete history of the tests on the appliance. Protect yourself by ensuring this information is retained.

Compare using a spreadsheet - usually only the most recent test record is retained. This is not sufficient if there is an investigation of an electrical incident. Even some other Appliance Testing software solutions only retain information about the most recent test!

Maintain full compliance with a record of all tests

Try it today!

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For more information about FASTtag, contact Advanced User Systems on 02 9878 4777 or

Last Modified: 11:59, February 03, 2015
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