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Adjustable Font Sizes

Customise to your preference

FASTtag has been optimised to display as much information as possible, in a pleasing readable layout. However, some users would prefer to have larger text to make it easier to read the screen and record Test information.

The preferred font size can be selected from choices of normal, large and largest. For each selection, a sample is shown of the chosen size. Other sizes can also be entered into the "Other" field.

When a larger font is chosen, most parts of the user interface automatically resize to fit the larger font. The user can also resize the windows, and the size chosen will be retained between sessions.

Flexible, easy to use

Try it today!

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For more information about FASTtag, contact Advanced User Systems on 02 9878 4777 or

Last Modified: 14:56, February 03, 2015
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